Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I came upon a heartbreaking scene this morning on my way home from town. Just after I passed a dump truck towing a trailer I saw an animal in the road flopping from side to side, obviously severely injured. From a distance I couldn't tell what it was, but as I got closer I could see that it was a dog. The dog was severely injured, and as I drew near I saw the owner of the dog walking out to retrieve his beloved dog. He gathered the dog up in his arms and cradled it to his breast. It was obvious that the dog wasn't going to make it. I pulled off the road and expressed to the man how sorry I was that his dog had been hurt. I could see the obvious love that he had for his dog and the sadness in his heart--he knew that his dog was about to die. I felt so sad for him.

I thought about that scene and thought about our Owner and how He cares for us. Sin leads us out into the road where hazards abound. Time after time we are struck with its tragic consequences and the unbearable pain that results. But there is Someone who cares. Someone who is able to forgive. Someone who can comfort us in all our affliction (2 Cor. 1:4). Time after time He gathers us up into our arms to comfort and console us in our time of need. We are reminded to cast all our cares upon Him, because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). And He is also able over time to train us--to stay out of the road--its dangerous.

My heart goes out to the owner of the dog. Please pray for him in his loss.

Pastor Jerry

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