Friday, July 17, 2009


HOLINESS by J. C. Ryle

1. Read 1 Peter 3:18. What is the main thought of the verse? What are we being commanded to do?
2. Why is the question, "Do we grow?" of special importance in the present day?
3. To what is the author not referring to when he speaks of "growth in grace" (p.2; Col. 2:10)? To what is he referring?
4. Read the following verses: 2 Thess. 1:3; 1 Thess. 4:10; Col. 1:10; 2 Cor. 10:15; 1 Thess. 3:12; Eph. 4:15; Phil. 1:9; 1 Thess. 4:1; 1 Pet. 2:2; 2 Pet. 3:18. What do these verses have to say about the need for us to grow (p.2)?
5. What are five spiritual benefits of growth in grace (p. 3-4)?
6. What are the marks by which we can ascertain whether we are growing in grace or not (p.4-5)? What are some of the challenges associated with evaluating our own spiritual growth (Jer. 17:9; 2 Cor. 12:10; Heb. 4:12)?
7. How are we to resolve the tension between the truths that: 1) spiritual growth is by God’s grace, and 2) we are repeatedly commanded to apply ourselves to spiritual growth (p.6)?
8. What are the means of spiritual growth (p.6-8)?
9. What is included in the "private means of grace?" Why are these "private means" of utmost priority with regards to spiritual growth (p.6)?
10. What must we be careful to remember with regards to the use of the "public means of grace" (p.7)?
11. Why is watchfulness in the little matters of everyday life important (p.7)?
12. What caution must we observe about the company we keep and the friendships we form (p.7)?
13. How important is having a regular and habitual communion with the Lord Jesus (p.7-8)?
14. What advice does the author give to those who don’t apply themselves to the matter of spiritual growth (p.8)? To those who have reached a standstill in their spiritual growth (p.9)? To those who are growing but who are not aware of it (p.9-10)?

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